Procedure TForm1.Init_DDE; Var pC : array[0..20] of Char; OK, BailOut : Boolean; Const Service = 'NFW32'; Topic = 'NFW_DATA'; Item = 'NFW_SERVER'; Begin OK := False; DDEOpen := False; BailOut := False; DDEClientConv1.SetLink(Service,Topic); While NOT OK do If DdeClientConv1.OpenLink then begin StrPCopy(pC,'TUNE ON'); OK := DDEClientConv1.PokeData(Item,pC); end else begin OK := False; Case MessageDlg('Unable to establish link with Nova for Windows.' +#13+'Do you want to try again?', mtWarning,[mbYes,mbNo,mbAbort,mbHelp], 5) of mrNo : Break; mrAbort : Begin BailOut := True; Break; end; end; {case} end; {While} If BailOut then Application.Terminate; DDEOpen := OK; If DDEOpen then begin Label1.Caption := 'NovaTune has a good DDE link'+#13+'with Nova for Windows'; end else begin Label1.Caption := 'No link'; end; End;